Corporate Gifting Tips

1. Offer custom branding on or in your gift product.

Think about offering this as an upsell on your as-is product. Can you add a branded card, giftwrap, or a custom product selection? Offer your product in a brand color?• this adds a lot of value to your corporate customer and can potentially save the customer timeand money as well. Can they skip a card with one you include? Etc.•As your customer invests more in a custom branded piece, it gives you the business owner theopportunity to add information about your business and brand.


2. Offer themes outside of holiday.

Holiday is great, but corporate gifting happens all year. Can you build themes around otherseasons, such as back-to-school, harvest, spring break, Independence Day, etc?• Think about life occasions such as a big promotion, new job, new baby, the close of a sale,major surgery, and birthdays.• Think about hobbies you can theme around, making it easier for gifters to appear thoughtful.Fishing, golf, cooking, travel, young family, beach, etc


3. Develop a dedicated corporate gifting page

Very clearly, top of the page, say what you believe. This is a your unique benefit. When itcomes to corporate gifting, this can be move values-oriented because your gifters want to align with your values. You will attract companies that share your beliefs and choose you no matter what your competitors charge or offer.•So, create a positioning statement for your corporate gifting page. Say “We believe _____” and state your beliefs, but frame it in a way so that a gifter can make the exact same statement. I’m going to use SmartBox as an example because we are always working on their gift materials.SmartBox believes that healthier snacks are better. To create a positioning statement for corporate gifting, I’m going to imagine that I’m an HR manager shopping for corporate gifts.What do I want these gifts to stay about my company? I want a box of healthier, tasty, better-for-you snacks to tell my giftees that I value ... (suggestions?) healthier choices, sustainable practices, and enjoyable experiences. So here’s my example positioning statement for Smartbox, for the top of their page (which we are revising now, by the way) might be: “AtSmartBox, we believe in giving enjoyable experiences with healthier choices.”•Break down your process into three steps if possible. If you have less steps, make up a step.We are trained to think “easy as 1-2-3”. The important thing here is not educating yourcustomer. It’s making it clear to them that your process is simple.•If you have a wide range of products and prices, consider offering groups of products that customers can browse in low, medium, and high price ranges. This allows your customer to self-select items they are already qualified to purchase.


4. Make it easy

Here are some apps I’ve used before to help corporate gifting sites work better and easier onShopify.•Gift Ship gives you a lot — gift wrap upsell, add-ons, custom messages, and multiple addressshipping. This one is essential. It’s about $30/month.• Product Options can give you customization tools that go even further than gift wrapping.That’s $10/month.•If you’re doing a logo customization, you’ll want to receive that file somehow. So I’drecommend Form Builder with File Upload. There are two, one is $2/ month.•If you don’t already have a subscriptions option, I recommend you get one going. This makesa great business-to-business gift. Bold Subscriptions is $30/month.•Lastly, if you want to drive bulk orders by big companies, you can advertise bulk discounts withBold Quantity Breaks for $20/month.


5. Make it fun

It’s important to remember that companies are run by individuals, and they have very humanmotivations for their decisions. That means you can capitalize on those motivations! Consideroffering a give-back campaign that will give your gifter a good feeling about donating to a cause.That can be especially motivating around the holidays. There’s also offering free products backto the gifter, or bonus items like an Amazon gift card that’s for their own personal use.• Talk like a human (but — use your brand voice!) and speak to your gifter’s human motivations.For example — the phrase “streamlined experience” can be replaced with “we make it simpleand easy”.•Finally, use design to capture the imagination and attention of your viewer. A boring page willnot keep your audience engaged or sell your product. Color, photography, big headlines,illustrations, and iconography can help your content get the attention it deserves

Emily Arias

Owner of the boutique branding / packaging / web studio We Are Charette.

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