Website Adjustments to Keep Your Business Successful in Uncertain Times

Guest post by Sharon Redd

In today’s digital world, having a website is essential for any business. It is important to keep your website up-to-date and running smoothly so that your customers can have the best user experience possible. Here are some tips from We Are Charette for keeping your website successful in times of uncertainty.

Create a Dynamic Website

Creating a dynamic website is essential for any business wanting to make an impact online. Easily navigable, these websites need to be designed with the user in mind, ensuring that visitors can quickly find what they’re looking for. Plus, the use of data analytics can help businesses stay on top of website adjustments and monitor changes in page performance and user behavior. Investing in a dynamic website design can help ensure that your business remains successful, even when navigating digital environments.

Speed It Up

The speed at which your website loads is an important factor in determining how successful it will be. If a page takes too long to load, customers may become frustrated and leave the site before they have a chance to explore what you have to offer. Use online tools to check the loading time of each page on your site and adjust accordingly if needed.

Address Issues Quickly and Easily

If you find yourself needing to make website adjustments, using online coding tools to find and repair broken links is a great way to stay on track. By utilizing these tools, you can quickly spot any issues that need tending to and address them promptly.

Make It Mobile-Friendly 

In today’s world, most people access websites from their mobile devices, so your site must be optimized for mobile use. Make sure pages are responsive so that users can easily navigate through them regardless of what device they are using. This will ensure that customers have a positive user experience when visiting your site.

Get in the Habit of Updating Site Content

It is important to keep content fresh and relevant on your website so that customers will return often. Update existing content regularly with new information or add new content, such as blog posts, videos, and high-quality images that relate to topics in your industry or niche market. This will keep visitors engaged while also keeping you current with industry trends.  

Increase Your Web Development Knowledge

Going back to school is an excellent way to build up your web knowledge, from the fundamentals of web development to current trends and technologies. Data analytics courses can be beneficial when it comes to keeping track of website adjustments, allowing you to better monitor changes in performance and user behavior. Recommended courses include web development languages like HTML and CSS, along with JavaScript and popular frameworks such as React or Angular. With these skills, you have the necessary skills to build and maintain your own website. If going back to school is something that interests you, check it out for more info.

Having a successful website requires regular maintenance and adjustments over time, but these small changes can make a big difference. These steps will ensure you remain competitive and successful even during uncertain times.

Emily Arias

Owner of the boutique branding / packaging / web studio We Are Charette.

Interview with Roast! West Coast


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