Emily featured in Conscious Company

Conscious Company Media recently interviewed Emily for a feature on their series "The Wisdom of Women." Check out the interview at SocapGlobal.com!


Here’s a Snippet!

This graphic designer and small business owner is changing the world by mastering the art of creating visual and emotional dialogue for her design clients and for her two daughters.

There’s a massive push in the investment and startup world to create a business that is scalable. Over and over we hear that you need an idea that can be easily replicated and is conducive to growth. And yet, the reality is that the world is being changed daily by businesses that will never scale, and don’t want to.

According to the US Small Business Administration, there are nearly 30 million small businesses in the US, employing almost 48 percent of US workers. Hyper-local businesses — those with less than 10 employees — make up over 70 percent of private sector companies with employees. They are also creating massive change in our world by the massive changes they are creating in our communities.

Read the full article here →



About Conscious Company Media

Conscious Company Media is a community dedicated to doing business better for people, for communities and for the planet. We believe that companies and business leaders have a crucial role to play in creating an environmentally sustainable, socially just, and spiritually meaningful human presence on this planet. Through our events, online multimedia content, podcasts, and, formerly, our print Conscious Company magazine, we are on a mission to inspire and empower you to redefine success in business and create a better life for yourself and future generations. 

It all began with the publication of Conscious Company Magazine — the first print and digital, nationally distributed publication in the US to focus solely on sustainable business and business as a force for good. The magazine first hit stands nationwide in January 2015 and has quickly become the leading source of information for and about the conscious business movement. 

Since then, Conscious Company Media has expanded to in-person events, webinars, virtual events, and online education — all with the intention of becoming the premier, internationally recognized media company serving as the voice of the conscious business movement. In late 2017, Conscious Company Media was acquired by Intentional Media and is proud to call SOCAP and The Good Capital Project sister companies. Conscious Company is also a certified B-Corp and was named a 2018 Best for the World Honoree.



Ready to Refresh Your Brand?

We Are Charette has over 10 years experience in helping companies communicate with clarity and wit. Have you been thinking about refreshing your brand? We Are Charette can work with you to create results you can bank on. Learn more about our studio and get in touch today. 

Emily Arias

Owner of the boutique branding / packaging / web studio We Are Charette.


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